Orsini Light

‘Orsini Lights’ are illuminated paintings on canvas, presented in lamp form.
Each ‘Orsini Light’ features a unique and original painting. 

Passionate about design and applied arts, I enjoy exploring new materials and techniques, intertwining fine art, lighting and functional design.
In 2009, I embarked on a journey to push the scope of traditional painting, and developed an original concept, the Orsini Light.
I have been successfully painting and selling my signature illuminated canvases ever since. They have been described as vivid and striking, and have received many awards. They are in private collections in Australia and Europe.

To turn my paintings into an exciting luminous form, I superimpose layers of acrylic paint on canvas in an organic design, leaving areas where the light will go through. The canvas is then mounted as a tall tubular lampshade on a recycled plastic pipe and - or as a box light - with a low energy light inside.
The Orsini Lights present a storyline which offers multi-dimensional narratives. They tell one story when the light is off, and take another warm dimension and leafy transparency when the light is turned on, bringing further layers of richness to the painting.
These artworks encourage the reflective process and play with the theme of transformation which is at the core of all my artworks.

Every Orsini Light is a unique painting.

If you want to BUY an Orsini Light, check out the available items here.